Legal Resources
Wage and Hour Legal Resources

- Fair Labor Standards Act—Overtime Pay Laws. A summary of the federal law that controls the payment of overtime.
- Department of Labor Opinion Letters. A collection of letters written by the Department of Labor discussing the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to a variety of employment settings.
- Department of Labor Administrators Interpretation on Independent Contractors. The Department of Labor’s interpretation of who is and is not properly classified as an independent contractor.
- Employment Relationships under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The Department of Labor’s fact sheet on who is considered an employee under federal law and entitled to the protections of the law.
- Overtime Pay Requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The Department of Labor’s fact sheet summarizing how overtime works and who is entitled to receive overtime.
- Blue Collar Workers. The Department of Labor’s fact sheet discussing overtime entitlement for blue collar workers and manual laborers.
- Tipped Employees and Tip Credit. The Department of Labor’s guidance for payment of tipped employees.
- State by State Minimum Wage. The minimum wage an employer must pay can vary depending on state.
Workers' Compensation Legal Resources
- List of DWC Forms. These DWC Forms are used in the Texas Workers' Compensation system.
- Frequently Asked Questions. TDI-DWC created a list of frequently asked questions regarding Workers' Compensation.
- List of Rights and Responsibilities of Injured Workers. The office of the injured employee counsel created a list advising injured employees of their rights.
- Texas Workers' Compensation Act. Here you can find the Texas Workers' Compensation Act online.
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